Powerful Edge, Automation, Monitoring, Management and Orchestration

Security, Compliance, Health, Performance and Software Lifecycle Orchestration at the Edge

Remote or Branch converging infrastructures require flexibility with BYO software and devices. To meet business expectations, today’s management solutions must control these multi-technology solutions with minimal in-person support.

The Cruz Campus & Network Edge Solution offers a single pane-of-glass for comprehensive security, compliance, health, performance, and software lifecycle orchestration. With CruzOC, a multi-vendor/technology management platform, you can break vendor lock-in and invest in the best solution for your edge needs. In a single solution, IT managers can view and manage diverse environments of multiple technologies – physical/virtual/compute/network – from multiple vendors.

For instance, you can incorporate Velocloud SDWAN on Dell VEP at edge, along with Dell N-series with OS6 for site access, and Ruckus AP’s for wireless – all managed from one console.

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>> Learn More: Orchestrating the Edge and Managing Virtual Assets at Scale

See More Dorado Solutions
Edge Management
Virtualized Network Edge (VEP)
Remote Edge Management (VxRail)
Campus IT Management

Solution Benefits

  • Minimize onsite technical support costs
  • BYO software and hardware flexibility
  • Automated new solution deployment
  • Manage consistent and timely software upgrades
  • Manage bulk automated branch actions
  • Visualize navigation across numerous branch sites
  • Isolate problems across multi-components
  • Discover and manage existing equipment
  • Branch configuration and security compliance
  • Automate closed loop corrective processes
  • Site resource preparation and restoration for updates
  • Monitor environmental temperature and power metrics

Solution Highlights

  • Consolidate Edge Orchestration and Resource Management: Centralized visibility to networking, wireless, and SDWAN.
    • Velocloud SDWAN Integration
    • Ruckus Wireless and Smartzone Integration
    • Dell Powerswitch OS6 NOS
  • Log & Telemetry Support: Collect, filter, analyze and visualize
  • Application Performance Metrics
  • Software Lifecycle Management: Update software and associated dependencies corporate-wide to network devices, computers, or applications.

  • InterSite Management: Control and performance of external connectivity.
  • Minimum Touch Deployment: Accelerate the rollout of remote edge with technician-free automated resource and network configuration.
  • Autonomous Operation: Continuous management if site is disconnected from WAN and Central Control.
  • Active Compliance: Validate all resource configurations, change auditing and automated compliance enforcement.
  • Low-level Component Visibility: View and manage bare metal level components including GPUs.

Cruz Solutions

Cruz SONiC Solutions
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Edge Management
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Virtualized Network Edge
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Remote Edge Management - VxRail
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